Network for Economic Research and Technical Solutions

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We execute research projects, provide data solutions, evaluate policies, engage in policy advocacy, and provide financial advisory, assurance, consulting services, and risk assessment.



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The Financial management and systems unit of NERTS offers a range of financial management services aimed at providing insights into the key questions that require the focus of leaders who seek growth and stability. We help our clients to be more effective and efficient in managing their financial statements to grow their net worth, through optimal liability and assets management (ALM) rules, as well as financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting policies and systems. We partner with professionals from diverse backgrounds to bring the most cost-effective solutions to our clients. We advise our clients on financial management policies, systems and processes based on new developments to help them stay ahead and grow. The range of financial management services we offer include audits, reviews, assurance insights and performance assessments. We also manage services and perform strategic, reputational, regulatory, financial and operational risk assessments for the public and private sectors.  
International trade offers important opportunity for developing countries to be more integrated into the global economy. Such integration has been found to be a catalyst for developing countries to lift millions of their population out of poverty and improve their livelihoods. We, therefore, support countries in their efforts to take full advantage of the opportunities associated with international trade through data driven research. We at the International trade unit of NERTS leverage our expertise in trade and development to provide evidenced-based research on the links between trade and development policy issues such as poverty, labour market outcomes, environment, agriculture and food security, and digitization.
The Economic development unit of NERTS conducts research and offer data services on policy issues of interest to development economists and practitioners, policymakers, and advocates. As a development-oriented network, we support policy initiatives towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries with real-time data and research. We are particularly positioned to contribute to research on contemporary issues such as Just Transition, Digitization, Entrepreneurship and Employment, Financing for Development, Food and Nutrition Security, Poverty, Inequality and Child Labour in developing countries.  



Learn Here The Main Reasons Why You Should Choose Us

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We wil identify where you're getting off-track in all areas and not just

We create a program that accelerates your strategic execution and growth goals.

Consistently hit strategic objectives and revenue targets, and grow, year over year.

Skills That Make a Meaningful Difference for Your Business

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Our Amazing Team

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